Originally published on June 18, 2015. Updated on January 16, 2020. Social media has exploded in recent years. It’s now an essential element of every successful digital marketing strategy, because it allows you to connect directly with your clients and customers. This is very valuable when it comes to brainstorming ideas, solving problems, collecting feedback…
The Connected CEO: Part 1
Originally published on July 18, 2013. Updated on May 31, 2019. Is it important for CEOs to be active on social media? My answer to this question is a resounding YES! Social media is here to stay, and it’s becoming more and more critical to our communication systems. While I believe there are some legitimate…
The Connected CEO: Part 2
Originally published on August 3, 2013. Updated on May 31, 2019. So you want to be a connected CEO? You want to take the plunge? Great! But where do you actually start? Corporate social media 101 Make sure your company has a social media policy that both the PR and HR can agree and live…
Are You Easily Pinfluenced?
No doubt your company has made themselves known on Facebook by now. Maybe you’ve even ventured further and created a Twitter account? If you just nodded your head yes then congrats! You’re well on your way to expanding your customer base and how you interact with them. When used right, each social media “tool” can…
Put the Graphic Into Infographic
We are a visual society that consumes digital data at an insane rate. One of the best ways to communicate large amounts of data is an infographic. Offer precise and compelling data. Choose the data you would like to share and simplify it into numbers, graphs, and icons. Only share information that is relevant and…
Let’s be Social!
Hello there Beacon blog readers! Here’s the first blog from your local print-world maven. I must make a confession: I’m a type fiend. When I receive emails from MyFonts News, I have to do my best to not short circuit my keyboard with irrepressible drool. Just picture most women’s reaction to Jimmy Choo shoes and…
Savvy Marketing in our Social Media World. Part 1
Are you intimidated by the new buzz words popping up everyday? Are you wondering where to start and how far in to get? Do you groan every time someone asks you if you have Pinned, Tagged, Tweeted, Friended, etc? The scope of advertising and marketing is changing and it is changing fast. How are you…