Here at BEACON, our social media content creators use the website to streamline the creation of online graphics. It’s actually a really great program for those with little to no graphics training but it, unfortunately, has one flaw: the amount of fonts available are overwhelming! As the Type Wizard on staff (think they’d mind…
Put the Graphic Into Infographic
We are a visual society that consumes digital data at an insane rate. One of the best ways to communicate large amounts of data is an infographic. Offer precise and compelling data. Choose the data you would like to share and simplify it into numbers, graphs, and icons. Only share information that is relevant and…
Let’s be Social!
Hello there Beacon blog readers! Here’s the first blog from your local print-world maven. I must make a confession: I’m a type fiend. When I receive emails from MyFonts News, I have to do my best to not short circuit my keyboard with irrepressible drool. Just picture most women’s reaction to Jimmy Choo shoes and…