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Nevada Marketing

Facebook Unfriended the News (and You Should Care)

Facebook made a monumental decision to shut down the news in Australia this week. All content from all news sites, including public and commercial broadcasters, broadsheet and tabloid newspapers, magazines, websites, and even government departments such as the Bureau of Meteorology and Department of Health, evaporated literally overnight. This is a big deal. As you’d…

Tips to level-up your financial marketing before 2021

Leadership is important in every industry. However, given the year we’ve all just had, it’s never been more important in financial marketing. American businesses of all sizes, in all industries, have ridden a rollercoaster of government policy, shutdowns, booms, busts, and technological advances. Now that 2021 is on the horizon, it’s time to start planning.…

What is financial marketing and why is it important?

Marketing refers to the methods you use to promote your products and services to your customers. When we talk about digital marketing, we are referring to all the different ways businesses can do this online. And when we refer to financial marketing, we’re talking about the way you specifically can grow your business. Are you…

Trends you need to capitalize on in financial marketing

If you’re working in financial services, there’s a fair chance you’re a left-brained person. Along with your aptitude for numbers, and your talent for problem-solving, we’re guessing you also like being organized, you like planning, you like details, and you like executing a well-developed financial marketing strategy. Right? You like researching the most effective techniques,…

Web traffic stagnant? It’s time to start a business blog

When 2010 rolled around, it felt like every other person had a blog. CEOs? Check. Amateur chefs? Check. Avid travellers? Check. Moms? Check. Businesses? Hmm. Not so much. But why not? After all, people come to your website to see what products and services you offer, and what kind of company you are, right? The first…

Why isn’t my marketing plan working? Find the right audience and maximize ROI

“Why isn’t my marketing plan working?” One of the interesting things about working in marketing is that your friends often ask for advice. The scenarios range widely. Recently I’ve been asked about where to start with marketing for an agricultural contracting company in a small country town, how a tutoring business could connect with the…

Top three marketing myths busted

“I hate marketing.” I was recently talking to the owner of a tutoring business, and she was shaking her head in despair. She offers lessons in person and online for K-12 students, and she’s been trying to get more students registered. Every time she signs up a few more, a few others move on. It…

Landing pages can create a sales funnel without a new website

Marketing and sales go together like peanut butter and jelly. Sure, each one is great on its own, but when you put them together, you get something even better. It may sound a little strange, but it’s a helpful analogy to help you conceptualize your new digital marketing strategy. Great websites are key to great…

How to choose a digital marketing agency

Partnering with a digital marketing agency is an exciting step in every company’s journey. Based on our experience, there are a few different reasons clients look for a marketing partner: They’re beginning a strong growth phase and need to generate more leads. They’re changing their image or going in a new direction and need awareness.…

HVAC marketing can boost your reputation (and your sales)

The digital revolution has done so much to democratize marketing in the last few years. Now small, local HVAC businesses can compete with bigger companies on a much more equal footing. Here, we’ll look at three low-cost, and in some cases, free, methods to get huge reach and effective targeting as part of your HVAC…

Is the Apple iOS 14 upgrade a quest for marketing domination?

Apple is officially one step closer to taking over the world. In 1984, the Macintosh computer convinced the public they needed personal computers. In 2007, the release of the iPhone made Apple technology essential to life and business in the 21st century. Now, the new Apple iOS 14 upgrade is directly challenging tech juggernauts Facebook…

Sample marketing plan for construction companies

It’s time to scale your business. Congratulations! It’s taken a lot of hard work, paired with many long hours, endless cups of coffee, creative problem solving, and commitment to get to this point. Now that you’ve entered a growth phase, it’s time to think strategically about next steps. The best way to generate new leads…