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Marketing Blog

LinkedIn: Not just for finding jobs

You may know LinkedIn as an online community for people to post their work experience and skills in the hopes that employers will find them. You can use it as your online business card, references, and resume all in one. Indeed, LinkedIn is at its core a directory for professionals and businesses, but it is more…

The top way to bring clients to your website: SEO

Here at the BEACON offices, we talk a lot about what makes a great website, how to draw visitors to a website, and then how to convert those visitors into leads and clients. There are several ways to do that, and we’ll cover them all in time. One way, however, is SEO. SEO is probably…

From freelance to full time

I’ve recently transitioned from being “location independent” to working a nine-to-five job as BEACON’s new copywriter. It seems that most people are trying to figure out how to do the opposite – leave the office and live a life a freedom. In this digital age, it is fairly easy to work remotely, using Skype, Facebook…

3 steps that will create lead generating websites

We @ Beacon really love everything about Social Media: We love the strategy, the contests and excitement generated with every post.  Social Media is exciting, fast paced and challenging. Take a look at our client, Kaleidoscape. Her Facebook page has generated a substantial following in less than 3 months. She has 754 fans, growing every…

Let’s be Social!

Hello there Beacon blog readers! Here’s the first blog from your local print-world maven. I must make a confession: I’m a type fiend. When I receive emails from MyFonts News, I have to do my best to not short circuit my keyboard with irrepressible drool. Just picture most women’s reaction to Jimmy Choo shoes and…

Savvy Marketing in our Social Media World. Part 1

Are you intimidated by the new buzz words popping up everyday? Are you wondering where to start and how far in to get? Do you groan every time someone asks you if you have Pinned, Tagged, Tweeted, Friended, etc? The scope of advertising and marketing is changing and it is changing fast. How are you…