“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos Reno, Nevada is a competitive market with a myriad of companies moving in to gain from a growing economy. Now is the time to set your business up for success with a strong branding package! This blog is…
Showing is Telling: 5 Tips for More Powerful Infographics
“Show, don’t tell” is an idiom commonly used by writers of all stripes. The idea itself is simple: don’t tell your readers what to think, feel, or expect about your topic. Instead, you want to “show” them the data, facts, and evidence as concisely and as powerfully as possible. When done well, you are far…
How Do I Choose the Right Logo Colors?
Whether you decided to create your own logo or you have a custom company logo professionally designed, you will have to face the decision of color. As humans, we are hardwired to respond emotionally to colors, so it’s worth putting some careful consideration into what you want to communicate with the colors in your logo…
What makes a strong corporate brand
Originally published on April 9, 2018. Updated on April 21, 2020. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.”…
Publish a Book! It’s Great for Business!
Just as factories and products dominated the industrial age, knowledge and content define the information age. Our economy is based on information, and those who know more and are experts are commonly considered to have more economic clout. One of the most effective ways to demonstrate you are an expert in your field and to put…
Beacon’s Complete Guide to Learning Graphic Fonts + Canva
Here at BEACON, our social media content creators use the website Canva.com to streamline the creation of online graphics. It’s actually a really great program for those with little to no graphics training but it, unfortunately, has one flaw: the amount of fonts available are overwhelming! As the Type Wizard on staff (think they’d mind…
Logos & You: How to Deliver Logos to Your Friendly Neighborhood Designer
Knowing which file type to send to your design team (and how to send it) can end up saving you some time and headaches in the long run. But what exactly are “vectors”? And why does “ppi” even matter? Here is our handy guide to help clarify some of our design terms! Logos come in…
Put the Graphic Into Infographic
We are a visual society that consumes digital data at an insane rate. One of the best ways to communicate large amounts of data is an infographic. Offer precise and compelling data. Choose the data you would like to share and simplify it into numbers, graphs, and icons. Only share information that is relevant and…