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What Is the Best Way to Blog for My Medical Spa?

What Is the Best Way to Blog for My Medical Spa?

“The biggest mistake I see, is that people tend to give up…SEO (blogging) is a lifestyle, it’s a practice, it’s not a transaction…You just gotta keep going, you’re building your castle, you’re building your moat, it’s going to take time.”

– Sarah Bird, CEO of Moz

Ready to start blogging for your medical spa but not sure how to do it right?

Producing “content for content’s sake” is never a good idea.

It is better to start off on the right foot and blog well than to blog at all.

We have put together a comprehensive list of our best 1) reasons to blog, 2) philosophies of blogging, and 3) practices for blogging right.

So buckle up and enjoy the journey that is great blogging with us!

“The Why” Behind Blogging for Your Medical Spa

Why should you be blogging for your medical spa in the first place?

To state it simply: good blogging works.

Take a look at these case studies to see what we mean.

Case Study: Beacon Blog

In 2018, we (Beacon) decided that we enjoyed working with clients in the functional medicine industry, and that we would like to work with more.

What did we do to bring in more functional medicine clients?

We started blogging!

We addressed topics like social media marketing, website design, and other services from the perspective of a functional medicine practice.

In a matter of months, our blogs were ranking in the first two spots on the Google results page for the search, “marketing for functional medicine:”

Should I Blog for My Orthodontics Practice?

These blogs translate to many functional medicine sales leads for us!

Using tracking software, we are able to see how internet users come in through our blogs then make a step toward working with us by either filling out one of our contact forms or chatting with us through our chatbot.

Blogging can help you achieve very specific goals for your medical spa.

Case Study: Mandanas Dental Blog

In 2017, our client Mandanas Dental decided that she wanted to pursue integrative dentistry.

We were ecstatic!

Although general dentistry is a very competitive market in her location, integrative dentistry had yet to take much root in the area or online.

We got to work, blogging on popular topics and questions surrounding the integrative dentistry industry.

Once again, we were able to see results (first page of Google) within a matter of months:

Should I Blog for My Orthodontics Practice?

In two years, we have 100x-ed her traffic, from just under 60 visitors per month to well over 6,000.

Dr. Mandanas’s schedule is booked at maximum capacity pretty much all year long.

Blogging can help you take your medical spa in a new direction or solidify your presence in a particular market.

3 Proven Blogging Philosophies for Your Medical Spa

How do you make this blogging magic work for your medical spa?

There are a few things you should understand about why great blogging works the way it does before we dive into best practices.

Take a look at some of the top, time-tested blogging philosophies below.

1. The Inbound Blogging Method

Blogging is just one facet of a comprehensive marketing philosophy called “inbound marketing.”

The principle behind inbound marketing sounds something like this:

If you put yourself where people spend their time and provide value to them on their own terms, they will start coming to you (inbound).

Let’s break down this working definition for better understanding.

“…where people spend their time…”

Where do people spend most of their time today?

Easy answer: the internet.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world, accounting for 3.5 billion of our internet searches every day.

We spend our time online, and we do it on Google.

Let’s take a look at the next major point in our working definition.

“…provide value to them on their own terms…”

What is valuable to the people who are on Google?

Finding the online resources they are looking for.

Many Google searches come in the form of a question.

Although there are many ways to do great inbound marketing, of the best is to answer popular questions with helpful, comprehensive blogs.

In fact, this is another one of our best blogging philosophies!

2. Answer Questions for Medical Spa Prospects

How do you know what your medical spa prospects are asking?

You do your research.

A great tool for finding popular searcher questions is Answer the Public.

Using this tool, you can enter a topic like, “Botox” and receive a list of all the top questions searched by internet users.

Take a look:

What Is the Best Way to Blog for My Medical Spa?

This list may be a little hard to read, zoomed out as far as it is so you can see the whole thing, but it includes questions like:

  • Where can Botox be injected?
  • What does Botox do to your skin?
  • Can Botox be reversed?

Do you have answers to these questions? Great! You have the content you need for a great blog for your medical spa.

Let’s discuss one, final, important blogging philosophy before we get into more technical best practices.

3. Waterfall Blogging for Medical Spas

This is probably the most important piece of advice we can give you in this entire blog today…

Waterfall your blog.

What on earth does that mean?

It means create a structure with your blogs that makes it easy for internet users and Google to “flow” through them and understand what they are all about.

It is the practice of writing blogs for each of your services and linking them together as they relate to one another.

Waterfall blogging also goes by another name, “content clustering.”

Let’s consider an example.

Here is what the waterfall blog/content cluster that YOU ARE CURRENTLY IN looks like:

In a good waterfall blogging strategy, we take all of these sub-blogs that talk about the various aspects of digital marketing and we link them back to the main, digital marketing blog in the text where they are discussed.

If you visit the main “digital marketing for medical spas” blog and look for headers/hyperlinks that pertain to the sub-topics listed, you will see what we are talking about.

We may also link some of the sub-blogs to each other if the topics cross over.

This tells Google that these blogs are related, boosting their authority and rank.

It gives users an easy navigation path for more reading.

But enough with blogging philosophies–lets dig into the practical steps you can take to make this work for your medical spa.

Best Practices for Medical Spa Blogging

At first, you might think that great blogging boils down to “finding your voice” and writing in an engaging style.

You would be sorely mistaken.

Although style is important, arguably more important is making sure you have all of your technical blogging ducks in a row.

Getting the technical aspects of blogging right is what will get your blogs to rank.

If your blogs do not rank, no one will get to read your writing in the first place, no matter how eloquent.

Practice I: Choose Niche Blog Topics in the Medical Spa Industry

What was the common thread between the two case studies we mentioned at the beginning of this blog?

A niche.

For Beacon, we did not write about “digital marketing,” but “digital marketing for functional medicine.”

For Mandanas, we did not write about “dentistry,” but “integrative dentistry.”

There is a big difference.

The first terms are very general–in searches, they pull up results for these services across the nation and around the world.

You do not want to be competing with the nation, much less the world. You will not succeed.

By narrowing our topics down to a particular niche–like an industry, a location, or an approach–we have a better chance of making the first page of Google.

Find the niche that is most relevant to your medical spa and use it!

Practice II: Make Use of Blog Header Technology

In most content management systems (CMS), which is the software system you use to publish blogs to your website, you have the option to classify headers as “H1,” “H2,” “H3,” etc.

For example, “Practice II: Make Use of Blog Header Technology” is classified as a “Heading 3” tag.

These tags help Google know what your blog is about and how it is organized, boosting your rank–so use them!

Your title is automatically classified as “H1,” so make use of “H2” and “H3” tags as you write.

Another technology you should be using when writing your title and headers is CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer.

This tool will tell you how your headline’s score against successful headlines across the internet.

When writing your title, aim for a score at or above 70 in this helpful software.

Practice III: Write Keyword Optimized Blog Content

We haven’t talked about it directly yet, but many of these best practices are important for the search engine optimization (SEO) of your blogs.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is formatting your blog in the best possible way for Google to crawl, assess the authority of, and rank.

A big, big part of optimizing your blog is selecting the keyword or keywords for which you want to rank.

For instance, if you were answering the question, “Where can Botox be injected?” your keywords would be “Botox” and possibly “injections.”

These keywords should be in your title, headers, metadata (which we will talk about next), and of course, the blog content.

If you are good about staying on-topic, the keywords you have chosen should flow naturally throughout your text.

If they do not, consider inserting them in places where they would make sense.

Having your keywords in all of these places reinforces what your blog is about to Google as well as to your readers.

Practice IV: Set Custom Blog Metadata

“Metadata” may look like a scary word but most content management systems make it very approachable.

Your system should have a form containing fields for you to set your blog title, URL, and description.

This is the information that populates on the Google results page:

What Is the Best Way to Blog for My Medical Spa?

There should also be a place to set a feature image for your blog and a location to enter your target keywords if you have SEO tools installed.

Do not leave this information up to the content management system to decide.

Set this data yourself to make sure it is accurate and looks great!

Practice V:  Develop a Consistent Blog Schedule

Last but not least, make a plan to blog regularly!

When you blog on a regular basis–once per month, twice per month, or once per week–you tell Google that you are relevant and happening, committed to writing content about your “cluster,” consistently.

You should plan on writing 400-600 words for a non-competitive topic space, 600-1,000 words for a moderately competitive topic space, and 1,500-2,000 for a very competitive topic space.

If you are following all of these best practices, you should see results in 6-9 months!

Many clients have seen results in as few as three.

Note: Don’t forget to include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your every blog! This is a statement that gives your visitors their next move, such as, “Are you interested in our services? Call us now at (123) 456-7890!” CTAs make working with you as easy and approachable as possible.

How do you feel?

That was a lot of information to cover in a short time!

We hope you feel equipped to launch the best blog in the medical spa industry.

If you do not have the time to put in the work or you would like more expert advice on blogging for the medical spa industry, you can schedule a consultation with us at no charge to you!

We would love to help you start seeing the results that great blogging can bring.

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