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Why Hire a Professional Web Designer?

Nowadays there are a number of automatic website builders out there, where you can login and make your own website. They tout things like: “Get an automatically optimized version of your website for mobile in just one click” or “Everything is customizable”. And some of them will do it for free!

So why hire a professional web developer for your business instead of using one of these services?

1) SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Most of these websites are barely optimized at all for a search engine like Google. This means that if you want visitors to hit your site, you’re going to be fighting an uphill battle. Google has a bot that hits each site it visits and reads through all the data to see what your site is about. And if it finds content that is relevant to what someone has searched for, it returns a link to your site for that person. But the coding behind many of these site builders is not kept up-to-date. They are focused on making it easy to use, not easy for Google to see.

A professional web developer builds your site from the ground up with the absolute current requirements of search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. And there are hundreds of little tweaks that can make sure you look the best to search engines. These are all very important, and they are things you don’t get with these automatic site builders.

2) Keep your Content Safe

Have you ever written a long email to someone with lots of important details… only to have your email program crash and you lose all of it? Many times while working with these builders, you’ll find that one mis-click of a button deletes all the content of a page, or an entire section that was important for your website.

Another way this shows up, is when you’re blogging. Although some sites allow you to create new articles in a blog format, many still don’t. And you end up rewriting the same page of content over and over again in order to keep your site fresh and up-to-date (which is the #1 most important detail for search engines). This is hardly an efficient way of running things.

A professional web developer will use a content management system (CMS) that will keep all of your data backed up, with historical information (like if you change a static page), as well as have full featured archive systems for any user to find articles that you’ve written over the course of your websites life. This provides more entry points for Google and other search engines to bring new visitors to your site.

3) Your Time is Money

These automatic web site builders like to tout how fast and easy it is to do this yourself. But the facts are the same with any of these things you do yourself: they cost you time. A lot of time, that you could spend on your business instead of on Marketing, updating content your website, or researching current internet trends to stay on top.

This is another way that a professional web developer will save the day. They know all about the current trends because it’s their whole business. They can do it faster than you can, and they’ll do it more thoroughly, while you take care of what YOU are good at: your business.

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