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Marketing Blog

What is Google Authorship? Is it Important for my Business?

Google rolled out their Authorship program a few years back, but it seems a bit slow to catch on with mainstream businesses. This is really too bad considering some of the great ranking benefits with Google.

What is Google Authorship you ask? It is a way to connect the blogs you write and publish online to your Google+ account. Personally, I believe it is yet another way Google is trying to get us to use Google+ since it pretty much bombed after they launched it. But the important thing is that increasingly connecting the two is figuring into Google’s search algorithm!

As a business professional, you have taken valuable time to craft and post a blog on your company’s website. Congrats! You’re ahead of the game! So, what happens if someone plagiarizes your hard work? Google makes the case that if you have signed up for their Authorship program, then your original article will show up before the stolen one since you have already established yourself as the author!

Another interesting feature is that you can add a face to your work with Google Authorship. After you have signed up and Google verifies your work, your Google+ image will be proudly displayed beside the search results. We all know that search results with images grab people’s eyes and have higher click rates. This in turn can lead to more traffic back to your site, which is a big part of any content marketing strategy. It seems like a great win-win situation.

Connecting everything is very simple and only takes about five minutes. You can follow this link directly to the Google+ page to get started. Click Here.

I just recently signed up, and am keeping an eye on the ranking for my blogs to see if they increase. If you do decide to connect with Google Authorship, let me know what you think of it. I would really enjoy hearing your thoughts.

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